Two grown up sandwiches

We had some great leftovers from some of the various parties following the holidays and we turned them into great sandwiches. 

One idea came from one of my fave food blogs, Use Real Butter.  She and a friend stopped and picked up lunch at a small bike shop.

I was afraid that we had too much brie (is that ever a problem, really?) but it was perfect.

1/2 small wheel of brie, edges trimmed of thick rind
1 small package of proscuitto
greens (arugula would be great)
shaved onion
dijon mustard
crusty rolls

Another was inspired by my pickiest eater and this post I saw on Serious Eats. 
We did the same onions, pickles and green routine but I added thinly cut tomatoes as well. 

Fresh mozarella cheese
dijon mustard
crusty rolls

By adding the tomatoes, it made the filling more apt to sliding around once you took a bite.  Not a problem really, just annoying. 

I loved the brie version but everyone else loved the salami version


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