We have a Tabasco problem

I just couldn't pass up the new Tabasco product offered at our local grocery store.
We have all but one of the seven Tabasco pepper sauces in our fridge (I can't find the Sweet and Spicy kind any more though we have a local version now, Schultz's Spicy Sweet sauce) plus Frank's hot sauce, Cholula, Ass Kickin' Wasabi Horseradish and Siracha. What can I say, we like our hot sauces.
What hot sauce we use on what dish has been on our minds for a while. We tried to come up with a blog post on what to use where but it just depends on so many variables I gave up the subject. Sometimes you feel like a little Chipotle sometimes you want some Frank's. No rhyme or reason to it.
I don't know what we'll use this new Buffalo sauce on but I'm sure glad to add it to our hot sauce stash.


  1. A new Tabasco flavor! I'll have to get me some. My favorite remains the Chipotle Tabasco. And talking about products no longer available - I haven't been able to find the White Wine Worcestershire.


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