Shooter sandwich

 If this is in a different voice, it's because Mr. PB&C wrote it up.

Ok so this is a VERY custom sandwich.

This is has been nicknamed the Super Bowl Sandwich

Ok you can adjust for different ingredients.*

Start with cooking up some good Italian sausage.  Large ones not breakfast size.

Get a large round loaf of bread.  Cut the top off and then clear out the soft inside.  Keep it… it works great for a dip as a appetizer with some oil and spices/herbs.

Roast up some bell peppers and pull off the skin after they are cooled.

Cook up some onions and mushrooms together (some in our house don’t like mushrooms so we don’t always use them).

Cook your ground meat.

This is where it gets personal.**

We have made many versions but this is the basic method.

Start with the hollowed out bread bowl (only cut the top fifth or so of the bread to make a “bowl”)
Next with sausage cut long ways and fill the bottom
Now a layer of cheese
Large pepperoni slices (we haven’t tried the smaller ones but like I said, “this is a VERY custom sandwich”)
Now is the mushrooms and onions. (I have added ground beef to the onions in the past or another layer of the split sausage.)
Now more Cheese!!!
Salami Slices
Roasted Peppers
Ground sausage (or more ground beef {seasoned to your liking} if you don’t have to sausage)
Now the best secret… top with CHEESE!!

Now the top of the round bowl put in some sauce… or tomato paste

*Use what you have, as Joey from Friends has said (I think)…. “Meat Good, Cheese Good"

**This is where things you can adjust.  We find the sausage is a good base… keep the layers between meat and cheese/veg/options!  Season with herbs/spices as you see fit. (It’s pronounced ‘Herbs” because there is an H in it). 

Now is the fun part…. Put the top on and then wrap it in foil… NOW SMASH IT… no literally smash it with weights, kettle balls, or a child that can sit still for a few hours, we will let it go for  2 hours to overnight in the fridge.  The key is it needs to be smashed… flat… best if 1/3 the size or less of the starting size.   

Put it into the oven and warm it up (due to the differences of oven and elevation and humidity, we can’t put temps or time on here)…. Try 350 for 20 minutes, enough to melt the cheese inside.  Slice it up in 8th… or what ever size you want to!!

You can dip in homemade ranch, homemade marinara, or just dig in and eat them straight up!!


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