Starting to make it caveman style

Dear blog readers-
You're going to start seeing some changes around here.  Mr. PB&C is going to be training hard and eating more paleo style meals and we're here to support him.  We aren't going into it 100% but with the added workouts, we want to make sure that he's getting good nutrition for recovery between class and extra workouts.  We'll try hard to leave stuff like pasta gorgonzola out until after he helps out his black belt candidate.  I spoke with my sister and got some good ideas started.  Maybe not this week but we'll get started next week for sure.

This week-
Chicken enchilada bake (I found a bunch of cooked chicken we should use up)
Steak (shrimp for me) and broccoli slaw
Tortellini pasta salad - sad trombone, not paleo but we have to eat and I have about 10 mins to get people fed so we can still get to bed on time, this happens twice a week, every week
Pot roast
Salad nicoise


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