Busy times

We've had some busy times the last few weeks so we've been eating whatever we can find in the house.  Thankfully there are still plenty of options which goes to show that we need to do this more often. 
I need to restock breakfast burritos and veggie burgers for example.

Though the week days were busy, I\my weekends have been mostly about deep cleaning the house, laundry and to destress, I've been doing some baking.  I'll post my recipes later but last weekend was sourdough bread that was absolutely terrific, like from an upscale bakery perfect.  Today, I tried my first ever egg enriched bread, challah (and I learned something today - challah is made with oil in the dough whereas brioche is made with butter).

Pizza beans 
Chicken sandwiches with roasted cauliflower
Pasta with alfredo sauce
Beef fajitas and mexican rice
Chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes and gravy
Meatball sandwiches

Tortellini pasta salad for bento lunches

French toast for breakfast, if we have extras, they go in the freezer for weekday breakfasts


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