Stuffed zucchini with sausage and stuffing

It's that time of year again.  When the CSA sends 3 large zucchinis a week, I start to panic.  What to do with all this squash?  Here's what we did this week.  A recipe from my childhood.

3 large zucchini
1 lbs turkey sausage
1/4 c. chopped onion
1 box stuffing mix, prepared

Cut the zucchini lengthwise and scoop out most of the inside of the flesh, leaving a little boat shape down the middle
Line them up in a 13X9 pan lightly coated with non stick spray
Cook up the sausage with onions in a large pan until it's done
Combine the sausage and stuffing in a large bowl and spoon on to the zucchini
Bake 1 hour at 350 or until the zucchini is cooked yet but still a little firm (too much cooking and the zucchini will turn mushy.  Not good eats)

Toddler review-
Not one toddler liked the zucchini.  I remember not liking this dish as a kid either though.  I hope they come around.


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