Make your own applesauce

My Nana made applesauce for me growing up using a food grinder. I've done it a few times as well but it takes a lot of time to grind all those apples, time that this busy mom doesn't have. When we added a Kitchen Aid to our kitchen last Christmas, it only took a quick search to find an attachment to do the heavy work.

It took me longer to cook the apples than it did to make the applesauce. It removes the skins, pulp core and seeds even.
Making your own applesauce lets you control what you put in it.
Here's the recipe-

Fruit, washed and cut into pieces (not just apples either, we've thrown pears and peaches in as well)
Cinnamon, sticks or ground

Add the fruit into a large pot and break the cinnamon sticks in half if you're using those or just add a little ground cinnamon.
Add only enough water to get the fruit cooking, you don't want to burn the fruit on the bottom, maybe only 1/2 cup for a big full pot.
Bring to a boil and then turn down to medium heat and cook under the fruit is soft, small pieces will only take 5-10 minutes, quartered apples will take a lot longer.
Remove the pan from the heat and let it cool for a little bit then run through the grinder attachment.

Edited for the comments I got-
We tried applesauce in the crockpot and yes, it did make the house smell really great.
And M, H said last night, if you have a KA mixer and make your own applesauce, you NEED to have this attachment. It took more time to wash the apples than it did to process them. Toddlers can still help by adding the cooked apples in the top, the parts fit into a smallish plastic box, all the parts come apart and are easy to clean, I don't have a complaint yet.


  1. sounds great. i do it in the crockpot and its SUPER easy. wash, peel, cut into generous chunks, and the cook on low all day ---makes the house smell DEVINE. i add a few red hot candies (and i stress a FEW) and when i feel like the apples are soft enough (or whenever i get around to it!) then i whisk everything and its done!

  2. so, how does the attachment compare to the crank one that we have and used by N and (your) C?


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